Dr. T.K. Bose’s Eye Drop

The eye drop prepared out of Moringa (Sagina), Euphrasia ( Hastichur), Aloe (Ghritakmari), Thespesia (Pipal), Ocimum (Tulsi) and Others in the right quantities has a wondrous effects in almost all eye disease except in extreme cases of Glaucoma (where pt. need to use allopathic eye drop with Homeopathic medicine to restore eye condition.


Conjunctivitis, Muco – Purulent Conjunctivitis, Dacroystitis, Nystagmus, Stye, Calazian, Trachoma, Pterygiun, Myopia, Astigmatism, Hypermetropia, Corneal Opacity, Chorioditis, Cataract in any form, Retinitis, Pigmentosa, Optic Artrophy, Night Blindness, Amblyopia etc.

Special Features
  1. This eye drop works as a complete stress release for all people (any age group) specially those working on computer for a long time & involve in excessive reading or jobs that causes stress to the eyes.
  2. Protects children eyes from pollution & from the harsh glare of T.V.’s and video games.
  3. Provides the best possible care for people working in IT industries.
  4. For teachers and professors.
  5. It also works as a general eye drop and takes complete care for eyes.
  6. This eye drop works on any type of eye injuries as a first aid medicine to restore any kind of serious complications before hospitalisation.

[Remember your eyes and eye sights are invaluable blessings of almighty.] Dr. Bose’s Ayurvedic Eye drops are essential for eye care]