
For the past few years, Dr. T. K Bose Memorial Eye Clinic & Research Center have tried an integrated approach to the treatment of Ophthalmic cases with very new way.The system of treatment processed by Dr T. k. Bose was a combinations of Homoneopathy and Biochemic medicines interspeesed with doses of an Ayurvedic preparation.

Ophthalmic disease conditions, such as Glaucoma,High Progressive Myopia,Restriction or complete cure and goodbye to glasses for myopic patients,Hypermetropia or Astigmatism patients, all types of Haemorrhage, Retinal Haemorrhage, ARMD,Centrocerous Retinopathy(CSR), Recurrent Conjunctivitis, Dacrocystitis, CRVO(Central Retinal Vein Occlusion) when treated using homeopathy can get you optimum response and recovery.

Eye-care is an extremely vital concern for anyone as it is directly connected with the sense of vision. Main intension of Dr. T.k Bose in his medical career was that no one should go blind in his or her life and let him livelong with the bliss of eye sight, invaluable blessings of allmighty.

The symptoms are usually discovered by an Ophthalmic surgeon. When patients come after having received other medicines, the previous medicines are first drained off from the system of the patient. This happens over a period of two weeks. It takes 3-5 weeks for the patient to react properly to the homeopathic medicine and got positive results then the patient is referred back to an Ophthalmic Surgeon.